Here are some common questions I have come across in the last few years while teaching. I hope, you find yours here. If not, please feel free to contact me and I am happy to help you. Thanks a lot.

I have never taken online lessons. Is it really possible to learn online?

Yes, learning online is definitely a great way to learn a language. You have an even more and larger variety of tools while learning. The class documentation is much better as well, as you do not even have to take notes, if you just would like to concentrate on listening to me. I write all the most important vocabulary and grammar topics into the document. And if you just want to stick to a printed book, that is great as well. You can find more thoughts about online learning in the Welcome section.

I am not really sure which type of lesson should I take. Can you help me?

If you are not sure about the lesson type or learning with me at all,  you may book a trial lesson with me. This is a 30-minute session, where I will evaluate your level (if you are not totally a beginner) and understand your needs and goals. I can answer all your questions and if you decide to learn with me, I will create a learning plan for you. For the best results, you will be asked to fill out a written assessment as well.

Which exam can we prepare for?

We can prepare for the international language exams. Please find more information about the different exam types in the section “Exams”. I have qualifications to prepare you for the Swiss fide exam as well, which is a good solution if you need a language exam for your staying permit, but please don’t forget, that this exam is not recognized internationally. One more thing: first you have to achieve and finish the given level before starting to prepare for the exam.

How long does it take for me to learn a level in German?

The big question. 🙂 And honestly, I can not tell you a certain time. It depends on so many different factors, how fast your progress is. Just to mention some, like your age, learning time, for sure your interests and motivation and even your mother tongue. According to the studies of the Goethe Institute, it needs the following amount of learning units (1 unit = 45 min. class) to achieve the different levels in German: A1 level: 80-200, A2: 200-350, B1: 350-650, B2: 600-800, C1: 800-1000. The Goethe Institute. But please, take it into consideration that these are just statistics, and you have a life as well with all your stuff in it. 🙂